SINGLES - Not the Movie from the 90's

As things develop in the new year, and they are, I'm thinking of new ways to approach the "music scene". It would seem that the music "seen" would be the way to go over the traditional playing of corner bar dumps. Yea, every towns got 'em. Free beer is fine when you're 22 but it doesn't cut it for much longer. Making quality youtube videos will be a focus this year so to speak.. (video... focus...anyway...) Right now I'm developing an unusual concept for a Door's song with a dubstep style. Surprisingly it jives really well. Yea, you read it right (Wait til the next paragraph with the country part). Converging on some visuals that compliment the music has been a goal for awhile. You know, people used to dig music videos... Why not keep it artsy? There's enough flash, glamor, and other foolish stuff in videos of late.

We are currently working with a very talented Nashville engineer on our first country song. The working title is 'Warmer in Dublin'. It is a song written by Liza Korry and composed by yours truly. Not your average country tune... Think of mixing Jimmy Buffett, Van Morrisson, & U2. Looking forward to getting this one out there and we will with your support! There will be a single released every month vs the album release style. Trying something new this year. Multi-genre full sonic barrage on the way...
We are booking for shows and always looking for new opportunities. Stay tuned!

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